This weekend we had a meeting with Heather Dennis, commonly known as Miss H, front man for the Fate of Miss H, and a very well known multidisciplinary artist in Namibia. We sat down with her to find out her perspective on the current art industry and where she sees it expanding to in terms of her artistic expression. Catch Miss H live at the Namibia Arts Fair! What is your artistic background? I am an actor, singer, dancer, recently comedian, I've done theatre work and stage work, both on and off stage, and basically art. What does your work try to say? That you can be whatever you want to be and you can be as free as you want to be in your expression of yourself. Who are your biggest influences? Michael Jackson and Beyonce as performers, musically, people like Etta James, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, the Beatles. I like everybody. If you were a color, which one would you be? I would have to be the rainbow flag. How do you seek out artisti...